Time sweepers, often referred to as simply sweepers, are the primary weapons of the Time Sweepers (note the difference in capitalisation), the highest trained employees of the Time Factory. Their primary functionalities are acting as a projectile weapon and allowing the user to manipulate the time of the environment.
Only Time Sweepers carry them, and they are never seen on missions without one or potentially two. Time Sweepers are initially given a basic model (which has changed over time), though they may buy others at the Time Factory shop.
Both of a sweeper's functionalities rely upon resources common in the worlds in which a Sweeper's missions take place. Time sweepers can fire nearly any object (the sweeper's power permitting), up to and including massive 16T weights, which is loaded beforehand by sweeping the object as with a vacuum. This eliminates the need to carry ammunition, as any object in the mission world can be used as a projectile, though Sweepers may also buy specialized ammunition (bombs, missiles, thorn balls, etc.) from the Time Factory shop.
Sweepers are capable of containing a vastly greater volume than they occupy, allowing for a large number of such large objects to be inside the sweeper at once. This capacity is further upgraded by installing sweeper packs of greater capacity, though low-level sweepers cannot utilize the largest sweeper packs (Lv1 can only use M, Lv2 can only use L, and Lv3 can only use XL, each with increasing capacity). A sweeper's performance as a weapon is in no way affected by submersion in water or other substances.
Time controls are triggered through the use of time crystals, most of which are not sold in the Time Factory and must be acquired in the field (the exception being retries). Multiple crystals of a given type are required to use a time control, and these crystals are stored in the sweeper itself rather than on-hand by the user (and can even be swept in a manner similar to trash). The maximum capacity of time controls of a sweeper varies by model, although it can be upgraded through the use of time bowls available at the Time Factory shop. The time controls can then be activated by the user at will, with the exception of the retry control. Multiple time controls may also be used simultaneously if the sweeper has a combo cartridge installed, which attaches to the ventral side of the neck and body. A Sweeper must also be properly trained before being allowed to use a combo cartridge.
Finally, a Time Sweeper may use their sweeper as a blunt force weapon, though such an approach does relatively little damage and has a negligible effect on time monsters beyond potential stunning. When not in use, the sweeper's neck and handle can be retracted for more compact storage, usually on the user's back.

Which sweepers continue to be used and in what ways they differ has changed between the World B1Q64 and Big Crystal incidents. The TS-1000, for example, fell out of use, and modern sweepers have built-in lock-on systems. They have mostly retained their naming scheme (“TS-” followed a model number) and are still categorized by level (ranging from Lv.1 to Lv.3), though the distinctions between levels have changed. Whereas higher levels used to only be capable of sweeping larger trash, later models also have increased maximum trash and time bowl capacity, which can be further upgraded. Additionally, a small number of models have a + following their level to indicate unique abilities, such as sweeping water or fire.
Sweepers in Blinx: The Time Sweeper
All first generation sweepers automatically lock on to targets (though with varied results depending on the wielder's direction). When sweeping up trash, the user is pivoted to the ground and cannot run and sweep at the same time like in MOTAS. Aesthetic features include the Time Factory insignia on the back of the sweeper body and a colour tinted area of sweeping effect. These sweepers have a watch motif.
Level 1
These sweepers are the basic models, they can only sweep up Lv.1 trash.

TS-1000 Lv.1
"This is our most popular sweeper. Anyone can use it easily."
- 500G, Round 1-6, 8
- The most basic model on the market.
- Most popular model at the time of the World B1Q64 incident.
- Blinx's starting sweeper.
- Sweeping effect has a blue tint.

TS-2000 Aladdin Lv.1+
"This one sweeps sand. And boy, it is fast!"
- 3000G, Round 3, 5
- Distinguished by its fast sweeping speed and ability to sweep sand.
- Useful in the Hourglass Caves to remove sand in search of hidden objects.
- Sweeper effect has a golden tint.
Level 2
Lv.2 sweepers can suck up all types of trash, excluding the 16T weights.

TS-4000 Star Lv.2
"This sweeps up heavy trash. It can do some serious work."
- 2000G, Round 1-6, 8
- Standard Lv.2 sweeper without any unique abilities.
- Sweeping effect has a green tint.

TS-4000 Spiral Lv.2
"The spiral goes round and round. It's enough to make you dizzy"
- 2000G, Round 3
- Functionally identical to the TS-4000 Star with minor visual distinctions.
- Sweeping effect has a green tint.

TS-4000 Jaguar Lv.2
"The slim body is this sweeper's charm. A famous singer designed it."
- 2000G, Round 4
- Distinguished only by appearance.
- Sweeping effect has a green tint.

TS-4000 Skull Lv.2
"This scary one is our skull model."
- 2000G, Round 5
- Shares all functions with the other models of the series.
- Bell resembles a bone rather than the traditional rounded shape.
- Sweeping effect has a green tint.

TS-2000 Flame Lv.2+
"This can sweep fire. It's good against certain monsters."
- 3000G, Round 4, 6-8
- Ability to sweep flames in Round 8. Strong against Water Dragons.
- Blinx wears his goggles when sweeping.
- Used by Chron.
- Sweeping area has a red tint.

TS-2000 Freeze Lv.2+
"This can sweep water. It's good on fiery monsters"
- 3000G, Round 3, 8
- Sweeps water in Round 2. Strong against Fire Dragons.
- Trash is greatly cooled when fired.
- Has a faucet near the sweeper head.
- Sweeping effect has a blue tint.
Level 3
Lv.3 sweepers can suck up all types of trash and also have a larger sweeping range.

TS-16000 Lv.3
"This sweeps up the heaviest junk. It's our professional grade sweeper."
- 4000G, Round 4, 6-8
- A high-performance sweeper with high sweeping speed.
- Sweeping effect has a purple tint.

TS-16000-S Lv.3
"This is this year's colour - violet. A limited-edition see-through model."
- 4000G, Round 7
- The most powerful model commonly available during the World B1Q64 incident.
- All cyan-coloured parts of the sweeper produce light, glowing in the dark, which was uncommon at the time of the model's production.
- Sweeping effect has a violet tint.

TS-X7 Supreme Lv.3+
"We found this at the back of the shop. This sweeper's legendary."
- 90,000G, Round 9
- The single most advanced time sweeper at the time of the World B1Q64 incident, equipped with every ability of every other sweeper of its time (sweeping sand, fire and water).
- Sweeping speeds comparable to the TS-2000 Aladdin.
- To unlock, you need to get all 80 Cat Medals and pay 90,000G at the Momentopolis Shop (after the Boss Rush).
- Sweeping effect has a violet glow.
Sweepers in Blinx 2: Masters of Time and Space
The second generation of sweepers has a few notable differences from the first generation. By the Big Crystal incident, sweepers no longer produce a tinted area of effect while sweeping and the Time Factory insignia on the back has been removed. The sweeping speed has also increased dramatically and are now capable of locking onto opponents. The level of sweepers is now denoted by "LV". These sweepers have a guitar motif, as designer Masamichi Harada had a love for guitars.
Level 1
Sweepers that can sweep only certain kinds of trash.

TS-2000 LV1
"This is our most popular sweeper, nice and easy to handle."
- 400G
- The basic starting sweeper in MOTAS.
- The most popular LV1 sweeper among Time Sweepers.

TS-2100 LV1
"It's a variation of the TS-2000. Choose whichever suits you best."
- 600G
- Functionally identical to the TS-2000 with only visual differences.

TS-1000 LV1
"This is a vintage item. Its performance is OK."
- 800G
- The vintage sweeper, first seen in Blinx: The Time Sweeper.
- Functions the same as the TS-2000 but with slower sweeping speeds.
- Used by Chron.
Level 2
Sweepers that can sweep all kinds of trash.

TS-3000 S LV2
"This is an upgraded version of the classic with a higher sweeping speed."
- 1500G
- Standard LV2 sweeper.

TS-3000 F LV2
"This can only be used as a secondary weapon. It'll light most enemies on fire, but not all of them."
- 1200G
- Can fire trash capable of igniting opponents, slowly harming them and often distracting them from the user as they attempt to extinguish themselves.
- It's also possible (albeit unlikely) for the victim to come into contact with others and ignite them as well.
- Ineffective against some opponents.
- Exclusive as a secondary weapon.
- Sweeper glows in the dark.

TS-3000 I LV2
"This is an exclusive second weapon. It'll freeze your enemies in their tracks, but it doesn't have attack power."
- 1500G
- Can freeze an enemy, but it doesn't have any attack power.
- Explosive ammunition will still explode and do harm without freezing the opponent.
- Limited to as a secondary weapon.

TS-5000 X LV2
"This Blinx model has a high-powered sweeping speed."
- 2000G
- A standard sweeper, used by Blinx himself.
- Designed for a single Time Sweeper (Blinx) although it is commonly used during training activities.
- Resembles the original Xbox.

TS-5000 W LV2
"This odd little sweeper can fire two projectiles at once."
- 2000G
- A sweeper that shoot two projectiles in one simultaneously (at one or two targets).

"That's a cool sweeper, huh? The shooting speed is wicked fast."
- 2000G
- Exceptionally high projectile speeds, marginally surpassing that of the TS-X9.
- Uniqueness in its fish bone design and reflective metal.
Level 3
Sweepers that can sweep all kinds of trash. Shooting and sweeping speeds are very fast.

TS-16000 LV3
"Projectile speeds increase on this one. You're definitely a pro if you've upgraded to this baby."
- 3000G
- Shooting speed is greatly increased.
- Exceedingly popular LV3 sweeeper among Time Sweepers.
- Used by NecoJi, Picaro and Aniki.

TS-16000 S LV3
"This has got awesome sweeping speeds."
- 3500G
- Most advanced sweeper commonly avaliable.
- No notable features aside from a faster sweeping speed than the TS-16000.

"Every cat dreams of this legendary sweeper."
- 5000G
- The legendary sweeper.
- It has incredible sweeping speeds and can hold up to 15 items alone without the sweeper pack XL.
- Unlocked by collecting all 40 Cat Medals and then purchased at Jimmy's Shop.
Specialist Models
The TSX-1AT and TSX-2TC is a special pair of sweepers that must be used in conjunction with each other by two Time Sweepers. They are exclusive to 2P Specialist Mode and are not purchasable.

- Only capable of sweeping and firing trash.
- “AT” signifies “attack".
- Moderate offensive capabilities.
- Would have sold for 400G if sold in the Shop.

- Only capable of using time controls.
- “TC” signifies “time control".
- Pre-installed with a combo cartridge.
- Would have sold for 400G if sold in the Shop.
Perfect Guide Graphics
Early Designs

Last updated on 11 Apr 2023