Mick is a leader of his respective team and Time Sweeper that was captured by Tom Toms during the Big Crystal incident.
He sports a steel blue jacket with red sleeves, steel blue pants, steal blue goggles with red lens and red boots. Mick's fur is dark green and his eyes are yellow.
While in the Pirates' Graveyard, presumably searching for information or Big Crystal fragments, he encountered Tom Toms and alerted the Time Factory of their presence shortly before being captured (and injured, limping and unable to break his wooden cage with his TS-4000 with an injured right arm). While imprisoned, he attempted to warn of the impending end of the universe in order to be released, but Benito opted to ignore his pleading in order to use him as a distraction for the Time Sweepers while the Tom Tom protagonist searched for a Big Crystal fragment in the Pirates' Graveyard and other Tom Toms set up explosives to flood the caves. After his rescue by the Time Sweeper protagonist, he warns of the Tom Tom's plan before returning to the Time Factory.
- “I'm fine. Look! The Tom Toms are heading that way!!”
- “There's a huge cave at the end of the canal.”
- “Go after them! I'll be okay!”

Last updated on 26 Feb 2023