Momentopolis, also known as Chronopolis, is an area of World B1Q64 and Round 7 in Blinx: The Time Sweeper.
As Blinx's last destination in World B1Q64, Momentopolis had grown incredibly distorted to the point of entirely lacking solid ground, instead warping into a massive metal platform floating over a glowing abyss. The structure, much like the Temple of Lost Time, has its roots in an ancient civilization, though at this point it had become nearly unrecognizable. Here, Blinx fought and destroyed the final time monster in World B1Q64, the Chronohorn, before retrieving Princess Lena, taking her to safety, and returning to the Time Factory.
Description from Cool Masters Guide Book
Is it a a coliseum, an astronomical observatory, a temple? It's the ruins of an unknown ancient civilization. A large amount of distorted time has gathered here.
Boss- Chronohorn
BG Music

Last updated on 05 Feb 2023