Time Goddesses
The Time Goddesses are three deities who appear in Blinx 2: Masters of Time and Space. The Time Goddesses are responsible for creating all of time, and share the role of time creation between themselves.
The first ("Weaving Goddess") creates the fabric of time, the second ("Measuring Goddess") measures the fabric and the final goddess ("Scissor Goddess"), if need be, can cut the thread of time if it is improperly used. The third goddess, nearing the end of the game, purposely drops her scissors used to cut time into world A-000, which then forms into the Scissor Demon.
The Time Factory itself was established by the Time Goddesses, around the time the universe began and when the Big Crystal was made 25 billion years ago.
Though the Time Factory distributes time, the origin of time lies in three goddesses who work together to produce time. They may also disrupt time, which resulted in the Big Crystal incident.
Each goddess has a role in creating time. One spins time via a spinning wheel, another measures time, and the third cuts it. How this time reaches the Time Factory and is further processed is unclear, though the Time Factory was created by the Goddesses at the universe's beginning over 25 billion years prior to the Big Crystal incident as a part of distributing time to the many worlds.
The relationship between the Goddesses and mortals varies, as many are unaware of their existence, including very advanced civilizations such as the Tom Toms. Time Sweepers know of them, but are inconsistent in referring to them, using both plural and singular. This may result from the Goddesses speaking and acting in unison (but using “we”). A distinction between the three exists, however, as stone tablets created with the universe refer to Mina as the daughter of the third, though they also collectively refer to her as “our Mina,” making the matter unclear. This daughter was sent by the third to ensure that mortals used time wisely, as the third goddess would cut the threads of time.
This threat was realized when the Big Crystal was destroyed by Benito, initiating the Big Crystal incident. Despite Mina's protests, the Goddesses sent time monsters throughout worlds and allowed time to flow between them in order to empower those monsters, which were further aided by Big Crystal fragments. They then dropped the scissors on World A000, which turned into the Scissor Demon, a nearly invulnerable time monster that was only defeated by all Big Crystal fragments being fired into its body by Furball (with the help of Bombay). Realizing that the Scissor Demon's defeat resulted from Mina's plan for Time Sweepers and Tom Toms to collect Big Crystal fragments and save the universe, the Goddesses finally decided to preserve time.
- "Time is a treasure... Yet so few... Understand it's true value."
- “Mina, what are you going to do now? They cut the String of Time. We are afraid your wish cannot be granted…”
- “Our daughter, Mina, has done well. As the creators of Time... Perhaps we should look after this world you seem to care for so deeply.”
- From translations of storyboards by art director Masuda, the names of the Goddesses are supposedly Urðr, Verðandi and Skuld.
- Thus the Time Goddesses are based on the Norns of Norse mythology, female beings who rule the destiny of gods and men. It has often been inferred that the three norns are in some way connected with the past, present and future respectively.
- The name Urðr means "fate", deriving from the past tense ("that which became or happened").
- Verðandi derives from the present tense of verða ("that which is happening").
- Skuld is derived from the Old Norse verb skulu, "need/ought to be/shall be"; its meaning is "that which should become, or that needs to occur".

Last updated on 05 Mar 2023