Fourth Tom Tom
The Fourth Tom Tom is a member of the Tom Tom Gang that occasionally appears in close proximity with Benito alongside Cino and Ugo.
His later appearance bears a very strong resemblance to Caio, wearing the same outfit and sporting the same moustache, though he has a much wider head and longer ears than Caio, allowing the two to be distinguished.
As with Cino and Ugo, the Fourth Tom Tom had been a member of the Tom Tom Gang for a significant span of time by the Big Crystal incident, having been present during the B1Q64 incident as well (though he wore the standard red outfit, much like Cino). His proximity to Benito suggests that he is a high-ranking Tom Tom, though his role is unclear, as he does not seem to communicate with other Tom Toms as Cino and Ugo do. It's possible that he undergoes missions in other worlds along with most other Tom Toms. When the Tom Tom HQ is attacked by Time Sweepers, he is present on the Benito Battleship that escapes.

Last updated on 05 Feb 2023