Benito is the leader of the Tom Tom Gang. His role in the gang is directing its members, deciding what will be stolen and to what end.
Benito is a Caucasian anthropomorphic male pig, most likely taller than the rest of the Tom-Tom Gang. He wears a green cap with a small gold crown on top and "heterochromatic" sunglasses (one glass blue, the other red). His outfit consists of an army green button-up dress shirt with a yellow bow tie and baggy white-and-red pinstriped pants. His gloves are white and his boots are tan.
"The leader of the Tom-Tom Gang, Benito is not terribly smart, but he is quick to get excited and angry."
Despite the importance of his role to the function of the Tom Tom Gang as a whole, Benito devotes a significant portion of his time to personal luxuries, such as taking regular naps, eating, and sunbathing while avoiding simple responsibilities such as cleaning his own room (which is handed by another Tom Tom) in which certain items of value are kept, including the Big Crystal fragments during the Big Crystal incident. When other Tom Toms make accomplishments, however, he is willing to take credit even when he clearly made no contribution (such as when Matteo discovered how to bypass time barriers). This self-indulgence is best represented by his luxurious outfit, which includes a crown with a large jewel fixed to its helmet.
Benito is very demanding of other Tom Toms, often threatening and punishing poor performance with no dinner, though satisfactory work is also often awarded with better food (such as steak). In a similar vein, he is insistently referred to as “Boss” by other Tom Toms, most frequently Cino, Ugo, and Matteo due to their frequent communication with him. When this quality is combined with Benito's frequent impulsiveness, some Tom Toms display annoyance at his sudden and unreasonable orders such as sending Team Lone Pig to search for Mina with only her name or demanding that Bombay steal a weapon he's seen while already returning to the Tom Tom HQ.
Despite these less admirable qualities, Benito appears to truly believe in the values that he claims direct the Tom Tom Gang, which include the top priorities being romance and treasure, to which end he shows authentic concern for Mina in response to her pleas for help in his dreams (leading to the Tom Tom Gang's involvement in the Big Crystal incident and collection of Big Crystal fragments) and even insists on travelling to World A000 himself to maintaining his rule of never letting a girl cry as part of being a “true gentlepig” (which he wishes for his gang to follow). This desire contributes to his impulsiveness at times, to the point where he prioritizes the protection of Mina beyond the continued existence of time and the universe. Though Ugo managed to convince Benito not to go to World A000 by pointing out that he's out of shape and wouldn't be able to return to continue leading the Tom Toms due to a lack of energy on the Benito Battleship, he also contributed to the stealing of time crystals from World B1Q64 himself while riding a Tom Tom Bike. His commitment to treasure seems equal in strength to that to romance, however, as he rejected the medal sent by the Time Factory for helping in saving the universe while proceeding to lead the Tom Toms into World 5J7A, endangering its existence, to continue stealing while expressing no concern over potential catastrophes in the future despite having caused the World B1Q64 and Big Crystal incidents.

- “Shh! Hold your tongues and keep moving!”
- “Whaat?! I didn’t raise the Tom Tom Gang to be a buncha scaredy cats!”
- “Wha! That dream was just getting good!”
- “While those cats are busy with that… I’ll find the Big Crystals and… Mina will be … miiiiiine!”
- “Listen up, all of you! The Big Crystal that Mina wants is the same one I almost had in my grasp.”
- “Now we’ll know where the Big Crystal fragments are! Look! It’s responding already! Move out!”
- “I had a dream about Mina!! This is exactly what she looks like! Send this to the search team immediately!”
- “What’s the matter, Mina? Why are you so sad?!”
- “So, this is the Time Nifrilizer… Nojem-… Newmi-..."
- “This is our chance to get back at those darn Sweepers for everything they did to us over the years. Show them what we got!”

Last updated on 05 Feb 2023